Plant and Equipment

ChemengCo specialises in Chemical Engineering Plant Design, providing innovative design concepts over a range of applications including: 

·        Bulk Storage Installations

·        Scrubbing, Stripping and Absorption Systems

·        Effluent Treatment

·        Fine Chemical Plant

·        General Chemical Plant

·        Pneumatic Transfer Systems

·        Air Conditioning

·        Complete Utilities Installations

Core business includes the design, engineering and supply of a whole range of unit operations, plant and equipment including:

·        Heat Exchangers : Shell and Tube, Finned Tube, Barometric and Plate Heat Exchangers. 

·        Gas Scrubbers : Packed Bed, Spray and Tray Scrubbers. 

·        Particulate Scrubbers : Venturi and Spray Scrubbers. 

·        Batch Reactor Systems : Coil and Jacketed Reactors and Reflux Condensers. 

·       Evaporators & Crystallisers : Forced Circulation, Falling Film, Multiple Effect, Mechanical Vapour Recompression (MVR), Thermal Vapour Recompression (TVR). 

·        Tank & Vessels : Atmospheric Storage Tanks and Pressure Vessels.

·        Utilities : Cooling Water Reticulation, Seal Water Systems, Steam and Condensate Reticulation, Instrument Air Circuits

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Other contact details : Fax 086-620-8152 Cell : 083-556-1927