Core Experience

Core ChemengCo personnel have previously been involved in the following projects: 

·        Turnkey installation of Multi-purpose Batch Chemical Plant. 

·        Turnkey installation of Ceramic Filter Plant. 

·        Turnkey installation of Wet Gas Scrubbing Plant. 

·        Product development and Basic Engineering Package for Fine Chemicals Plant. 

·        Capacity upgrade of Effluent Forced Circulation Evaporative Crystalliser. 

·        Modifications to Effluent Salt MVR Evaporator. 

·        Mine and Plant studies for a Ferronickel Smelter. 

·        Guage Control system for a Hot Strip Mill. 

·        Review and valuation of mining assets for Iscor. 

·        EPCM project for design, procurement and erection of Ferrochrome Sinter Plant. 

·        Feasibility study cost estimates for greenfield ferrochrome pelletising sintering and smelting facilities. 

·        Studies for DC smelting of ferrochrome. 

·        Scoping cost studies for various flow sheets to treat cobalt / copper tailings. 

·        Project Management for various large feasibility studies. 

ChemengCo personnel have also gained extensive expertise in developing, engineering and operating various pilot processes and unit operations including forced and falling film evaporators, crystallisers, liquid-vapour separation columns and batch reactor systems. 

All CV’s can be submitted on request.

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Other contact details : Fax 086-620-8152 Cell : 083-556-1927